Design is a methodology rather than an idealogy, what I’m going to say doesn’t make me an atheist but my perception. A wise man said what you create defines who you are not what society portrays. I had questions to be asked, which made me embark on research to understand the creation and design, behind it, it was interesting to find out that even the supreme being was never perfect in his design, I know you will be thinking this dude is a joke, but I assure you to stay put to find out below. please I don't commend Vawulence in Naija slang (violence) on this page.
LUCIFER — was being(angel) created by the supreme being for His perfection, who was by all means loved and cherished by the design of the supreme power. but the perfect design which was an ideology became chaos rather a hated by all, including the creator. Now, the question I ask is whether the Supreme being was imperfect in His design in creations but this should be a topic to answer in my subsequent writings. and I will absolutely respond to any comment. let us make the discussion an interesting piece.
LILITH: she was the first woman on earth but was disregarded due to her pride and disobedience. Bible Archae0logy society laid emphasis on the creation of man and woman in image and likeness of the Supreme God, will it be said that the characteristics of God design is imperfect ? or is it that origin of the design was never made to be perfect?.
many questions to be asked but I will give an affirmative declaration that design is not an idealogy but rather the application of an ideology, because it is so funny how I see design thought, don’t get me wrong the application to your design can be a method but the whole concept of design is not a philosophy and can’t be perfect, even the creator is imperfect in His design.